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Ali Arefi’s remark at the United Nations Human Rights Council04 Sep 2024

Ali Arefi’s remark at the United Nations Human Rights Council

Ali Arefi’s remark at the United Nations Human Rights Council

Taliban's New Legal Measures Escalate Persecution of LGBTQ+ Community25 Aug 2024

Taliban's New Legal Measures Escalate Persecution of LGBTQ+ Community

Taliban's New Legal Measures Escalate Persecution of LGBTQ+ Community

ALO's Participation in the Prague Pride Parade12 Aug 2024

ALO's Participation in the Prague Pride Parade

ALO's Participation in the Prague Pride Parade

Artemis Akbary's remark at the UN Human Rights Council24 Jun 2024

Artemis Akbary's remark at the UN Human Rights Council

The Executive Executive Director of ALO: Afghanistan LGBTIQ+ Organization, Artemis Akbary spoke at the UN Huam Rights C…

Gender Country Profile for Afghanistan: The Lack of Inclusivity for LBTQ Women14 Jun 2024

Gender Country Profile for Afghanistan: The Lack of Inclusivity for LBTQ Women

Gender Country Profile for Afghanistan: The Lack of Inclusivity for LBTQ Women

Flogging 63 people on charges of "Sodomy" and "Adultery" by the Taliban07 Jun 2024

Flogging 63 people on charges of "Sodomy" and "Adultery" by the Taliban

Flogging 63 people on charges of "Sodomy" and "Adultery" by the Taliban

Whipping of six people on charges of "Sodomy" and "adultery" by the Taliban08 Apr 2024

Whipping of six people on charges of "Sodomy" and "adultery" by the Taliban

Whipping of six people on charges of "Sodomy" and "adultery" by the Taliban

Grant Making/Fundraising Officer (Part-Time)22 Mar 2024

Grant Making/Fundraising Officer (Part-Time)

Grant Making/Fundraising Officer (Part-Time)

Will the UN Continue to Leave LGBTIQ Afghans Behind?17 Feb 2024

Will the UN Continue to Leave LGBTIQ Afghans Behind?

Will the UN Continue to Leave LGBTIQ Afghans Behind?

In the Shadow of the Taliban: Untold Stories of LGBTIQ+ Persecution in Afghanistan12 Feb 2024

In the Shadow of the Taliban: Untold Stories of LGBTIQ+ Persecution in Afghanistan

In the Shadow of the Taliban: Untold Stories of LGBTIQ+ Persecution in Afghanistan

Whipping and imprisonment of 4 people on the charge of "Sodomy" in Afghanistan08 Jan 2024

Whipping and imprisonment of 4 people on the charge of "Sodomy" in Afghanistan

Whipping and imprisonment of 4 people on the charge of "Sodomy" in Afghanistan by the Taliban

Letter to the UN Security Council Regarding the UNSC Resolution 2721 on Afghanistan30 Dec 2023

Letter to the UN Security Council Regarding the UNSC Resolution 2721 on Afghanistan

On December 29, 2023, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2721 on Afghanistan following the independent assessme…

Help Afghan LGBTQ people get out of hell