Afghan LGBT

Artemis Akbary's remark at the UN Human Rights Council

The Executive Executive Director of ALO: Afghanistan LGBTIQ+ Organization, Artemis Akbary spoke at the UN Huam Rights Council’s 56th session. This session was about the Afghanistan and the UN Special Rapporteur presented his new report.

This is our statement at the UN HRC:
Afghan LGBTIQ Organization, ALO, welcomes the UN Special Rapporteur’s focus on the Taliban’s crimes of gender persecution against LGBTIQ people in Afghanistan. However, we are concerned that LGBTIQ victims will be excluded from recognition as victims of gender apartheid if the definition the Rapporteur included in his report is not adjusted. ALO’s documentation points to the Taliban’s widespread use of sexual violence, unjust detention, and torture to oppress the LGBTIQ community. In the first five months of 2024, the Taliban proudly announced the lashing of at least 20 individuals for engaging in same- sex acts.

Sophia, a 25-year-old transgender woman, was ambushed, abducted, and taken to a hidden location where six Taliban soldiers, including their commander, sexually assaulted her multiple times.

We recommend the following:
1. The international community must prioritize accountability, instead of engagement with the Taliban.
2. Call for Gender Apartheid to be recognized as a crime against humanity, with a definition that includes LGBTIQ+ victims by using “based on gender”instead of outdated “gender groups” language.
3. Support Afghan LGBTIQ organizations’ efforts to document the crime against humanity of gender persecution, and ensure their meaningful participation in Decision making, peace-building, and peace-making efforts.

Thanks for your attention

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